The SECT-disk
The RSE-disk
Please read the SECT-documentation and the RSE-documentation before you start to use this software.
You can check if the file you have just downloaded has beed signed by me
using my pgp-key
(ID 53822349) with
fingerprint DB 4A E3 A6 7B A1 A7 7D 67 D5 3D 78 40 C1 E8 8A . Just type:
pgp SECT.dd.pgp and store the file SECT.dd without the signature. The RSE.dd file should have a MD5-fingerprint of 9079e58f5c21a3037356c708220af30d |
UNIXPut a formatted 3½'' floppy into the first drive and use the following command:
dd if=SECT.dd of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k |
DOSYou can use dd.exe a shareware program made by Helmut Schellong. See the documentation.Put a formatted 3½'' floppy into the first drive and use the following command:
dd if=SECT.dd of=fd0:c80h2s18 bs=1k |